Monica has a writing record of more than 100 articles since 1998 in English and Spanish, including op-eds, research papers and policy
reports. Some of them have been translated into other languages in Asia.
"The Climate Crisis is also an Inflation Crisis" Project Syndicate. With S. Fakir (2024)
"Critical minerals require a critically different approach" Euroactive. With J. Pershing (2023)
“A greener economy: pioneering cooperation between Korea, Spain and Latin America” Instituto Elcano (2022) with L. Lazaro.
"Five Ways Europe’s New Climate Proposal Can Transform Electric Transportation" ClimateWorks (2021)
"School buses are hurting our kids — here's how we change that" The Hill (2021)
"The Internal Combustion Bust" Project Syndicate. Green Recovery Special Edition (2020)
"Una COP de Asimetrías" El País (2019)
“No country is too small to lead at the UN Climate Action Summit” Climate Home News (2019)
“The Latest Climate Science Must Mobilize Us, not Paralyze Us” Project Syndicate (2018).
Translated into 9 languages, re-published by Les Echos, France, Leonardo Di Caprio Foundation, USA, The New Times, Rwanda, Busiweek, Uganda, Daily Star, Lebanon, Redaccion, Argentina. New Europe,
“A World Without Exhaust Pipes” Project Syndicate (2017).
Translated into 10 languages, re-published in Japan Times Daily Star, Lebanon World News La Nacion, Costa Rica
“Can the WTO Environmental Goods Agreement help advance the Paris Agreement Goals?” CDKN (2017)
"Electrifying emerging markets: the case of Costa Rica" (Best Conference Paper at EVS30 (Oct 2017) with Bjorn Utgard.
Chapter contributor:
“Standing up for a Sustainable World” Book edited by C. Henri, N Stern, and J. Rockström (2021)
“Renewable Energy Policies for Cities” Report published by IRENA (2021)
“National Decarbonization Plan of Costa Rica” Published by the Costa Rican government (2019)
Blog entries on global sectoral policy:
De Glasgow a Sharm-El-Sheikh: ¿Cuánto avanzó la movilidad eléctrica en un año? Portalmovillidad (Nov 2022)
Five insights from recent electrification wins with R. Fisher. ClimateWorks's Drive Electric Campaign site (Sept 2022)
COP26 Energizes the Shift to Clean Electric Transport with A. Eggert and R. Fisher. ClimateWorks's Drive Electric Campaign site (Dec 2022)
The G7 calls for Zero Emission Transport: Five Key Insights" UNFCCC Climate Champions (June 2022) Reproduced in Spanish by Portal Movilidad (Latin American publication)
Electric mobility is taking off in Latin America and the Caribbean (with Jane Obea et al) ClimateWorks's Drive Electric Campaign site (Nov 2021)
Five Ways Europe’s New Climate Proposal Can Transform Electric Transportation" ClimateWorks's Drive Electric Campaign site (August 2021)
The Drive Electric Campaign: 100% electric road transportation for the world with A. Eggert ClimateWorks. (March 2021)
Against all odds, the race to zero-emission vehicles is on. Here’s why UNFCCC Climate Champions (March 2021)
Why we are closer to mainstream EVs than you think" with E. Lagarrighe) (March 2021)
The Race to Zero Emissions Vehicles Is On" COP26 UK LinkedIn Official Site (Nov 2020)
Electrifying Mobility Benefits Our Health and Climate" Enel Online (Oct 2020)
Other articles:
Sept 2019 "No country is too small to lead at the UN Climate Action Summit Climate Home News. 23.09.19 with Amal Lee Amin.
July 2018 Increasing the Ownership of Long-term Climate Plans WRI and UNDP
July 2018 Let’s support the world’s most vulnerable nations - and their first carbon-free summit, Nivela
Feb 2018 Advancing Electric Mobility in Latin America. Commentary for the Inter American Dialogue
August 2017 Think big on technology for a clean energy future Asian Development Bank Blog
Dec 2016 Can the Environmental Goods Agreement help advance the Paris Agreement and SDGs? CDKN opinion
Dec 2016 Antarctica, We Love You (Homeward Bound's official website)
Sept 2016 Building coalitions to support SDGs in Costa Rica (The Elders / Guest article)
June 2016 Why Latin America should ratify the Paris Agreement - with G. Edwards (Nivela)
Dec 2015 No Time to Rest: After the Paris Agreement what comes next?. (Courier, USA).
Dec 2015 We Have a Paris Agreement - with MJ Vásquez y C. Bustos (Nivela)
Nov 2015 North-south climate rift hurts poor people (Climate Home)
Sept 2015 Race to renewable: five developing countries ditching fossil fuels (The Guardian)
July 2015 The role of non-state actors will grow after the Paris climate conference (Climate & Development Knowledge Network)
May 2015 Can Latin America blaze a trail towards a Paris climate deal? with G. Edwards (Climate Home)
April 2015 Citizens for a Clean Economy (Project Syndicate) Syndicated by the following publications:
Reprinted Mondiaal Nieuws MO La Nacion Jordan Times SwissInfo, Qatar´s Gulf Times, World Economic Forum
Sept 2014 The people's climate - with H.Verolme (Project Syndicate)
This article was translated in 10 languages and replicated in several newspapers in Europe, Latin America and Asia.
Nov 2013: Governments can say no to fossil fuels (Climate Home)
May 2013 A new why for climate action (Thompson Reuters Foundation)
Selected policy reports:
The Relevance of the Environmental Goods Agreement in Advancing the Paris Agreement Goals and SDGs.
A Focus on Clean Energy and Costa Rica’s Experience
International Center for Trade and Sustainable Development
Geneva (Dec 2016)
Bridging the Green Growth Gap in Costa Rica
Ilmi Granoff, Monica Araya, Philipp Ulbrich, Sam Pickard and Caroline Haywood
GIZ Paper with Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and the Climate and Development Knowledge Network,
Berlin (Nov. 2015)
A new global agreement can catalyze climate action in Latin America
Guy Edwards, Timmons Roberts, Monica Araya and Cristián Retamal
Brookings Paper,
Washington, DC (May 2015)
For Monica´s articles in Spanish click here